An easy mulled red wine recipe full of cozy winter spices, fresh oranges, and brandy. In just 15 minutes you'll be warming up with homemade spiced wine!
Combine all ingredients in a sauce pan. Place over medium-high heat and simmer gently for about 15-20 minutes. You can also place it over very low heat for 4 hours and let it slowly steep and warm.
Be careful not to boil! You don't want to boil off all the alcohol! If that happens, add a 1/4 cup of brandy. It will change the flavor a bit.
Serve immediately!*** Garnish with fresh star anise, a cinnamon stick, and an orange twist.
* I find Syrah or Cotes du Rhone to be my favorites. They're perfect for chilly nights in general and the flavor stays strong even after heating.
** I usually break one cardamom pod open so the seeds mix into the wine.
*** Be careful about serving hot drinks in glasses! Choose tempered glass that is meant for hot beverages, not a wine glass.